Dual Identities – Slam Poetry on the topic of immigration

Dual Identities – Slam Poetry on the topic of immigration

Was geht in uns vor, die wir second oder third generation immigrants hier in Deutschland und in Düsseldorf oder in einer anderen Heimat sind?

Ein bewegender und nachdenklich machender Versuch der wortgewordenen Introspektion in Englischer Sprache, entstanden im Rahmen einer selbstgesteuerten, kreativen Arbeitsphase im Englisch-Leistungskurs zum Themengebiet Postcolonial Britain.

Lois Taylor offenbart hier einfühlsam und künstlerisch überzeugend, welche Gedanken ein Mensch mit Migrationshintergrund in der Gesellschaft, in der er oder sie lebt, haben kann:


Stuart Johnson
Trick or Treat – A ghostly party at Goethe!

Trick or Treat – A ghostly party at Goethe!

Have you ever touched rat intestines or zombie brains?

The Goethe English Network (GEN) organised a spooky Halloween party for all 5th grade creatures of the night. The kids enjoyed monster storytelling, dancing at the disco, the cadaverous food buffet, and ghostly games – – – all in English!

The three best costumes were awarded prizes: Albert Einstein for best performance on the Halloween catwalk, Dracula’s bride in flowery black for the best face paint and Wednesday with a cut-off hand for scariest costume! There were so many great costumes it certainly wasn’t an easy choice for the judges!

Amazing carved pumpkins were carried all the way to school to take part in the carved pumpkin competition. The awarded one had a very bright, happy face.

The 5th graders participated in even more activities such as ghoulish quizzes, the mystery boxes with rat intestines and zombie brains, a Halloween word search, and guessing jars filled with candy.

Would you have guessed that more than 180 M&Ms fit into a single jar?

Time flies when you’re having fun!

See you again next year!


Katharina Bickel-Saurbier




Großer Erfolg beim English Debating

Großer Erfolg beim English Debating

Beim Inter-school Wettbewerb vom English Debating in der Aula unserer Schule errang das Team vom Goethe-Gymnasium. (Raphael Badiian, Iman Bodih, beide EF und Renu Lingaraju 9B – Le Minh Chau hatte das Team bei der Recherche unterstützt, konnte aber beim Wettbewerb nicht dabei sein – den ersten Platz. Teilnehmer des Wettbewerbs war je ein Team vom Görres Gymnasium, vom Goethe Gymnasium, vom Max Planck Gymnasium und von Swidomo, einer Vereinigung ukrainischer Schüler. Organisiert wurde der Wettbewerb von der International English Library.

In der ersten Runde ging es darum, ob Sportler gute Vorbilder für die Gesellschaft sein sollen. Hier waren die Gegner unseres Teams drei Schülerinnen aus der Ukraine. Beide Seiten fanden viele Beispiele aus dem Sport, die Argumente vom Goethe Team wurden aber als überzeugender gewertet. Im Finale war die Frage mit den Invictus Games verbunden, und hier konnte das Goethe Team mit einer sehr emotionalen Performance die Jury überzeugen. Unter den Gästen waren auch Gäste von der Bundeswehr, die ebenfalls gerührt waren .

Als Preis gab es den Wanderpokal, der vom Max Planck Gymnasium nun zum Goethe Gymnasium kommt. Unser Schulname wird der dritte sein, der dort eingraviert wird. Außerdem bekommen wir ein Preisgeld von 500 Euro, welches das Haus der Talente spendiert. Die genaue Verwendung müssen wir noch festlegen. Schließlich bekommen wir Freikarten für einen Tag bei den Invictus Games die vom 9. bis zum 16. September in und um die Merkur Arena herum ausgetragen werden.

Mein Dank geht an das Library Team, die Technik AG, an die Q1 fürs Catering und an Elena Frangou, die mich zum Wettbewerb begleitet und unser Team unterstützt hat.


Claudia Zemter

Our fun experience in Bladel

Our fun experience in Bladel

Nach langer Coronapause konnte dieses Jahr endlich wieder der bilinguale Austausch mit unserer Partnerschule Pius-X College in den Niederlanden in vollem Umfang stattfinden. In Begleitung von den beiden Englischlehrerinnen Kim Biermann und Claudia Schall besuchten 26 Schülerinnen und Schüler der 7. und 8. Klassen vom 13. – 15. Februar 2023 ihre Austauschpartnerinnen und -partner in Bladel, in der Nähe von Eindhoven. Neben dem niederländischen Schulalltag, lernte unsere Schülergruppe auch das Leben in ihren niederländischen Gastfamilien kennen. Den genauen Ablauf der drei Tage schildern unsere beiden Schülerinnen Eve Pokrass und Maris Jahn aus der 8b in ihrem auf Englisch verfassten Erlebnisbericht:

The bilingual student exchange, which was optional for all 8th graders and accompanied by Mrs Biermann and Mrs Schall, took place in a wonderful town called Bladel, which is located in the Netherlands. The journey was around 2 hours by bus, and everyone was very excited about the three days in Bladel. When we arrived, the first thing we noticed was the huge modern school, the Pius X-College, and the many bikes in front of the building. With our suitcases in hand, we saw a group of children of our age walking towards us. Only a few moments later everyone found their exchange partner. They gave us a warm welcome, and we were offered a tasty lunch including sausage rolls and hot chocolate. We talked about the daily programme, and after that we had an interactive game throughout the school, where we had to find clues from diverse puzzles, and give a code into a laptop, which we figured out in the process of the game. We had a limited amount of time, and the group that had the most correct answers and finished first got a prize, which was a delicious cake and lots of candy.

The next interesting game we played was called the ‘Big Ball Bonanza’ in the sports hall. Working in partners, you had to ensure the softballs didn’t touch your mat, only using your arms, feet, and body to defend. This was lots of fun, and many people’s highlight!

After the school programme ended, each of us went to the house of their hosts. After meeting the families, some of us went out in Bladel to meet friends and eat together. We met at a local restaurant, while other staff went bowling. The Dutch food is very teenage friendly. The chips with mayo, and the Dutch Frikandel were the absolute highlight. We continued the adventure further, and some of us were invited to watch a movie together.

The next morning most of us cycled to school, which even though it was cold, and some lived so far out the trip was 45 minutes long, the views of the sunrise, and the stars at night made it all worth it.

The next activity was a day trip to Antwerp. We travelled by bus. Antwerp is a very nice town with a rich history. We had a long walk in the centre, and we visited the MAS museum, which offered astounding views of Antwerp from the top floor; the Brabo Statue, the city hall, and we took many photographs. After a lunch break and some free time, we then did a photo tour of Antwerp. Navigating our way through the city, and taking photos of landmarks really was an experience to remember!

We spent the last day of our stay at school. We attended different workshops, such as: Art class, Biology, Science, Bliss (which means learning a new language), and Star Wars.

In the Science workshop, we played detectives, having to distinguish different powders to see which are drugs, and which are harmless. To do so, we had to conduct experiments and research different ways to identify the drug.

During the Star Wars workshop, we talked about the Space Race, the first man made object ever to leave the earth’s atmosphere called Sputnik; about Laika, a stray dog from the streets of Moscow that occupied the Soviet spacecraft Sputnik 2, and was launched into outer space. We even talked about the first steps of Neil Armstrong on the Moon in 1969.

For a lot of us, the best activity of the day was the Biology Workshop. In this workshop, we dissected owl pellets (which had been in the freezer long enough to have killed any bacteria), and took out whole animal bones, which we then glued on paper to create our own monster! We could really get a close insight into the skeletal system of different animals, such as moles and mice. We learned that the owls cannot digest the fur and bones of its prey and a special organ in the owl separates the bones and fur from the meat.

Lastly, we had an evaluation together, and we talked about the funniest parts of the trip.

After the cool workshops and the great time spent with our hosts, our time in Bladel was approaching its end. Full of great memories, new experiences, and new friends, we said a heartfelt goodbye to our Dutch friends, and got on the bus back to Düsseldorf! We are looking forward to welcoming our friends to Düsseldorf in May.

(by Eve Pokrass and Maris Jahn, 8b)


Claudia Schall Kim Biermann
Authors at Work

Authors at Work

by Clara Altfreder

Under the guidance of Mrs. Christen our English class wrote their own short stories and created great characters, creative storylines and even more creative plots. In order to achieve the best outcome in writing short stories, Mrs Christen developed a plan for us.

We followed this plan step by step.  Each of us first collected ideas and we then chose from what we liked best or combined them till we had the idea we wanted to follow.  Then a good story needs its characters so we also made up our minds about what characters and personalities we wanted in our story and what their role in the story should be.  Not to forget, the plot that makes a good story into a memorable story so we also took care of that.  Last but not least we thought about the small things one can’t forget in a short story like the motive, point of view or a conflict.  Finally, we took all these things we wrote down and put them together into our own short story.

All this was a school day worth of work and for most of us even more time to finish the story at home even during the holidays.  But we had a lot of fun getting creative and using our English skills as best as we could.  Sadly, not all of our stories fit here so we made a contest in which our course voted for the best 5 stories.  The final touches these stories got were then supported by our foreign language assistant Shona Erasmus. These are the 5 final picks the course decided on. Enjoy reading!

My future wife, by Anastasia Loch

What if…?, by Clara Altfreder

Airplane Takeover, by Henrik Weitz

A Nightmare, by Lea Mandla

Karma, by Patricia Sommer



Birgit Christen